Auto insurance is more than a necessity. It’s the law. Like most other states, Arizona has minimum auto insurance mandates that all drivers must meet. Failing to provide even the most essential coverage can result in fines or suspensions of driving privileges. Getting behind the wheel without insurance isn’t worth the risk.
Fortunately, San Marcos Insurance Group can help. Located in Chandler, AZ, their agents list three items that every auto insurance policy must include.
Bodily injury liability
All drivers in The Copper State must carry liability coverage. Bodily injury liability reimburses any expenses related to physical harm caused by an accident. The state requires each driver to have at least $25,000 in bodily injury liability for a single person. By law, a total of $50,000 is needed per accident.
Property damage liability
As the name implies, this liability applies to a person’s possessions. While vehicular damage is included, it safeguards against destroying mailboxes, fences, sheds, and other structures. Arizona drivers must have a minimum of $15,000 property damage liability per accident.
Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
As a "comparative fault" state, you could get stuck footing the bill for an accident, even if another driver has inadequate coverage. That’s where uninsured motorist protection kicks in. It doesn’t matter if you are partially or fully responsible for a collision. This extra protection fills in the gaps. Although this is added to most policies, Arizona residents can choose to opt out if they do so in writing.
Contact an agent serving Chandler, AZ.
Even though these items will keep you compliant with state laws, the minimum coverage is rarely enough. San Marcos Insurance Group goes beyond these requirements to find a policy that protects you and your family. Call to schedule an appointment today.