How Often Should I Undergo a Home Insurance Review?

Many homeowners in Chandler, AZ might believe that once they purchase home insurance, they don’t need to revisit it unless they move. However, this is not the case. Changes in your home and personal circumstances often necessitate a review of your coverage. San Marcos Insurance Group can guide you on when to review your insurance and make any necessary adjustments.

Conduct an Annual Review

Insurance experts generally recommend reviewing your home insurance coverage at least once a year. A convenient time to do this is in the weeks or months leading up to your policy renewal. Your insurance provider will send a policy renewal statement highlighting any increases in premiums. This statement provides an excellent opportunity to review your coverage and decide if you should switch providers. Simultaneously, assess if any changes have occurred over the past year that could leave you underinsured.

Factors to Consider

When reviewing your home coverage needs, consider the following questions:

  • Have you undertaken any significant renovations or additions?
  • Have you purchased expensive items, such as jewelry, that require coverage?
  • Have you started a home-based business with inventory?
  • Have there been changes in your family situation, such as marriage, divorce, or the addition of a child?

Can You Cancel Your Policy Before It’s Up for Renewal?

Yes, you can cancel your policy and switch providers if you find a better rate. However, check if your policy includes an early termination penalty. Even if it does, you might find that another provider offers a better deal that offsets any penalties.

Let the experts at San Marcos Insurance Group, serving customers in Chandler, AZ and surrounding communities, guide you on reviewing your homeowner’s insurance and ensuring adequate protection for your home.

Residential Coverage for Weather Damage

Your home insurance policy can provide coverage for weather-related damage. Use previous and current variables to guide you in choosing how much extra coverage you want to add to your home insurance policy.

Consider Past Damage

If your home and property have incurred damage in the past, consider the details surrounding each incident. Examine the amount of damage that your home and land were subjected to. If you incurred substantial out-of-pocket costs for the damage that needed to be repaired, it may be beneficial to increase the amount of home insurance coverage you have at your disposal. The coverage can protect building materials, electrical supplies, plumbing components, and other items installed in your home or on your land.

Account for Current Variables

If you live in a region that experiences an unpredictable weather pattern, it can be in your best interest to increase the amount of weather damage protection that your home insurance policy provides. Insurance coverage protects against damaged materials, leaks, and other issues that are directly tied to the weather.

Assess Residential Improvements

Examine the residential improvements that you have recently made or plan on making in the future. These improvements could affect the amount of home insurance protection that you need.

Property Improvements to Consider

  • Upgraded windows and doors
  • New roofing materials
  • New plumbing, HVAC, or electrical components
  • Weatherization additions

Schedule Your Home Insurance Consultation

Your home insurance consultation may reveal any problems that you missed while assessing your home and land. One of our San Marcos Insurance Group agents will determine which factors could result in weather-related damage. The results will guide them in choosing insurance product recommendations that will provide enough protection. Contact an agent who serves Chandler, AZ, for more information about insurance services.