Do You Need an Auto Insurance Review?

Regular Auto Insurance Reviews: Why They’re Crucial and When to Make Changes

As a responsible vehicle owner, your auto insurance is your last line of defense against unexpected events. Ensuring you, your passengers, and your vehicle always have adequate protection is paramount. Based in Chandler, AZ, the San Marcos Insurance Group can assist in reviewing your policy to ensure it’s up-to-date and offering optimal protection.

When to Consider Adjustments to Auto Insurance

Certain situations necessitate changes to your insurance coverage. For instance, if you’re adding or replacing vehicles in your household, you’ll need to reflect these changes on your policy. The coverage level may vary depending on factors such as the vehicle’s age. Moreover, changes in your household’s driver lineup, like a child earning their driver’s license or moving out, should prompt timely policy updates. This ensures that your policy accurately covers all regular drivers and vehicles.

What Triggers the Need for an Auto Insurance Review?

A good rule of thumb is to consider an insurance review at least once a year. However, major life events or notable changes to vehicles or drivers in your household also justify a review. At the San Marcos Insurance Group, we are ready to help residents of Chandler, AZ, navigate these changes. Our experienced team promotes informed decisions regarding auto insurance policies and coverage options. The protection of our clients and their vehicles is our priority. Contact us today.

What Should You Look For When Selecting a Home Insurance Company?

Deciding on the Best Home Insurance Provider

Your home is more than just a piece of property; it’s a retreat where you and your family find comfort. Choosing the right home insurance company becomes an absolute necessity, especially when residing in the greater Chandler, AZ area. To ensure that your selection meets your specific needs, there are a few fundamental aspects you should deliberate.

Considering Reputation and Financial Stability

The provider’s reputation and stability are the first factors you should weigh before firming up your home insurance company’s decision. Consider insurance companies like San Marcos Insurance Group, recognized for reliability and financial strength. A sterling reputation is a significant indicator of the company’s dedication to quality service.

Tailored Coverage Options

The need for home insurance varies considerably from one homeowner to another. Seek insurance providers that offer a plethora of coverage options that can accommodate your personal circumstances. San Marcos Insurance Group of Chandler, AZ, provides customizable policies, effectively protecting your home and assets.

The Importance of Customer Service

Having a home insurance provider that offers exceptional customer service, especially in challenging times, is a significant advantage. The speed and quality of response can make all the difference when you require assistance.

Local Expertise and Accessibility

It’s wise to choose a home insurance provider familiar with the local risks and challenges. Companies like San Marcos Insurance Group, based in Chandler, AZ, are more likely to understand the specific requisites of local homeownership. Make a sound and secure home insurance company choice tailored to meet your unique needs. We at San Marcos Insurance Group are here to serve you. Reach out today.

Does my business qualify for a business owners’ policy (BOP)?

We introduced business owners’ policies (BOPs) in an earlier blog. In this blog, we expand on this valuable bundle of commercial insurance policies and explain the qualifications to purchase one. Because BOPs offer four common insurance policies for a lower premium than buying them separately, the insurance industry limits their purchase to the lowest-risk companies.

BOP Qualifications

Although each insurance company uses slightly different criteria, they all have four requirements in common. A business must:

  • Employ fewer than 100 people.
  • Maintain a small office or commercial space
  • Generate less than $1 million in annual revenue
  • Need less than one year of business interruption insurance.

San Marcos Insurance Group may vary its requirements slightly depending on the underwriter, but every business in the Chandler, AZ area can rely on us using these four overarchingly.

Why Choose a BOP?

Besides the money savings, a BOP includes commercial property coverage, bodily injury and property damage liability, personal and advertising injury liability, and business interruption coverage. Those four policies cover the major needs of a small or mid-sized business.

The flexibility of a BOP lets a business add to it, using its policy package as a foundation for building the entire commercial insurance package of the business. Depending on your company and its operating processes and procedures, you might need to add commercial auto insurance or malpractice coverage. A business can add any commercial policy to a BOP.

Contact San Marcos Insurance Group Today

Call our office at San Marcos Insurance Group or send an email to talk about whether your Chandler, AZ business qualifies for a business owners’ policy (BOP). Let us help you properly insure your company so that it can grow safely.

Purchasing a Second Health Insurance Policy

Many Chandler, AZ, employers offer relatively comprehensive health insurance policies, but what if you need to address a need that your employer’s insurance plan doesn’t cover? Many retired people use Medicare, but it does not cover everything. Today’s article in the San Marcos Insurance Group blog explains how to fill those gaps with a second or specialty health insurance policy.

Buying a Second Health Policy

Individuals can purchase a health insurance policy besides the one they obtain through their workplace, Medicaid, or Medicare. A person can add a second health policy that covers only their prescriptions or a second, full health policy that covers items their initial policy does not. Some of these private health insurance plans require a medical examination before you can buy them. Others, such as Medicare Part B, do not require one, but you must choose Part B when you qualify and register for Part A. Only by having both will you have hospitalization and doctor visit coverage unless you purchase private insurance.

Specialty Health Insurance

Buying a full health policy can fill gaps, but so can a specialty health insurance policy. The term specialty policy refers to an insurance policy that covers one type of medical need, such as dental, vision, hearing, or prescription medication coverage. If your employer provides medical coverage but not dental or vision, you can purchase a specialty policy to cover either need.

Contact Us Today to Build Your Health Insurance Package

At San Marcos Insurance Group, we provide consultation meetings and insurance reviews for Chandler, AZ residents. Contact us via email or phone to review your health insurance needs. Let us help you build your insurance package.

Does Home Insurance Cover My Belongings?

Home insurance isn’t just for the actual structure of a house. It usually offers several other protections, including personal property coverage. Here’s how a home insurance policy would likely cover things in your Chandler, AZ house.

Personal Property Coverage in Home Insurance

Typically, a standard home insurance policy includes personal property coverage. This means that your belongings, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and other personal items, are protected against specific perils like theft, fire, and certain natural disasters. However, the extent of coverage and the limits can vary depending on the policy.

Coverage Limits and Exceptions

While most belongings are covered under a standard home insurance policy, there are usually limits to the amount the insurance company will pay for certain items. High-value items like jewelry, art, and collectibles may require additional coverage. 

Reviewing your home insurance policy’s terms with a knowledgeable insurance agent is essential. We at San Marcos Insurance Group can help.

Additional Coverage Options

If you have high-value items and want them better protected, consider additional coverage options or riders. These can provide higher limits or cover risks not included in a standard policy.

Protect Your Possessions

When getting home insurance, don’t just focus on the coverage afforded for your house. Also, pay attention to how well a policy will protect those things in your house. Your possessions are likely worth thousands and probably tens of thousands.

If you’d like help finding coverage for your belongings, contact us at San Marcos Insurance Group. One of our knowledgeable agents will work with you to find a home insurance policy with the personal property coverage you require.

Three Ways Your Agent Can Help With Auto Insurance Updates

If you’re in the Chandler, AZ area and looking to update your auto insurance policy, the agents at San Marcos Insurance Group can help. We understand that getting insurance for your vehicle is easy, and you want to ensure it stays valid. Many people don’t think about making significant changes (or even small ones) to their policy after they have it, but sometimes that’s important.

1. Going Over Details to Make Sure They’re Accurate

You and your agent need to ensure there aren’t any problems with the information listed on your insurance policy. If something isn’t accurate, and you’ve just noticed it, it’s important to update it as quickly as possible. Some inaccuracies can put you at risk of liability in the event of an accident or other claim, so you want to let your agent know about any needed corrections.

2. Helping You Make Adjustments During Big Life Changes

Big life changes may also need vehicle insurance updates. If your child turns 16 and needs to be added to your policy, for example, you’ll want to make sure you’re covered. Buying or selling a car also requires an update, as does getting married or moving to a new home. It’s better to err on the side of caution and ask an agent to help with any significant changes.

3. Offering a Yearly Review to Make Sure You’re Up to Date

A yearly review is a great way to ensure your insurance policy protects you as well as possible. If you’re in the Chandler, AZ area and looking for a review and update of your auto insurance, contact us at San Marcos Insurance Group for help today.

Sustainability and Green Business Insurance: The Future of Eco-Friendly Coverage

In a rapidly changing business landscape, sustainability and environmental responsibility have become vital priorities for companies of all sizes and industries. In and around the Chandler, AZ area, green business insurance is emerging as a significant component of this movement. It is allowing enterprises to align their insurance coverage with eco-friendly initiatives. 

Understanding Green Business Insurance

Green business insurance addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by companies committed to sustainability. It offers coverage options promoting eco-friendly practices and supporting companies in reducing their environmental impact.

Reducing Environmental Footprint

One of the primary objectives of green business insurance is to assist companies in reducing their environmental footprint. This can be achieved through various means, such as:

  • Eco-Friendly Building Practices: Insurance policies may encourage businesses to adopt sustainable construction and renovation practices, focusing on energy efficiency and eco-friendly materials.
  • Green Transportation: Companies can be incentivized to adopt electric or fuel-efficient vehicle fleets, reduce emissions, and promote cleaner transportation methods.
  • Renewable Energy Initiatives: Green insurers often support companies investing in renewable energy projects, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
  • Waste Reduction: Policies may promote waste reduction and recycling programs within companies, ensuring responsible waste management practices.

Incorporating Sustainable Practices

Green business insurance encourages companies to adopt sustainable practices in their day-to-day operations. This includes using environmentally friendly products and processes, promoting energy efficiency, and reducing water consumption.

Financial Incentives

Green business insurance often includes financial incentives for companies pursuing eco-friendly initiatives. These incentives can be premium discounts, rebates, or grants for sustainability projects.

San Marcos Insurance Group Can Help You

At San Marcos Insurance Group, we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Chandler, AZ area. Contact us today. 

What are the benefits of having a health insurance plan in Arizona?

Most people in the Chandler, AZ area know proper insurance is very important. Those looking to improve their personal insurance situation should carefully evaluate their health insurance needs. There are a lot of advantages that come with having health insurance when you are here. 

Avoid Major Costs

If you ever need an operation, get seriously ill, require medication, or need other medical support, you will find the costs associated with it can be extremely significant. However, if you have a health insurance plan, it can help you avoid many of these costs, as you can receive discounts and insurance coverage and have annual policy caps. 

Encourage Healthy Lifestyle

An added benefit of having health insurance is that it can encourage a healthy lifestyle. Seeing a doctor regularly is very important for your overall health. Not only can you receive an evaluation, but you can receive guidance and tips for living a healthier lifestyle, which will help you feel your best. 

Avoid Penalization

Health insurance is also a good option because it will help you avoid penalties. Health insurance is now a requirement for all people, and you must offer evidence of coverage when filing tax returns. Having a full plan can help you avoid the penalties that come if you do not comply with the law. 

Having a full health insurance plan is very important if you are in the Chandler, AZ area. When you want this type of coverage, it would be a great idea to call our team with the San Marcos Insurance Group. Our team with the San Marcos Insurance Group knows how important it is to select a proper health plan and will give any guidance necessary to create your next policy. 

Auto insurance add-ons to consider

In Chandler, AZ, a basic automobile policy will include liability coverage, which the state of Arizona requires. At San Marcos Insurance Group, we are independent insurance agents, which allows us access to more options and the best possible rates. We give personalized service to our customers and work with you to ensure your coverage fits your needs. 

Roadside assistance

With roadside assistance, you can drive with the confidence that if anything happens to your vehicle, you will not be stranded. You will be able to get help and a tow if that is needed. 

Full glass coverage

If you have comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, you will have glass coverage, but you will have to pay your deductible. That may be as much as $500 or more. If you have full glass coverage, you can get the glass replaced without any deductible. 

Rental car coverage

Rental car coverage is not for a rental vehicle you may use for vacation. The rental coverage will provide you with a rental car if your vehicle is damaged or totaled in an accident. It makes it much easier to get by until your car is fixed or replaced. 

Gap coverage

Most people who buy a new automobile have an auto loan. It depreciates as soon as you drive off the lot with your new vehicle. The value that the insurance company assigns to your vehicle may be much lower than the amount you owe on your loan. If you have gap insurance, it will fill in the gap left by the coverage.  

Contact San Marcos Insurance Group in Chandler, AZ for auto insurance or a free quote. 


Four steps to choosing your home insurance policy

Homeowners in Chandler, AZ can rely on us at San Marcos Insurance Group when they need to find the right home insurance policy.

When you buy home insurance, there are a few essential steps that you need to go through. Here are four steps to choosing your home insurance policy. 

Identify your home insurance coverage needs.

It would be best to consider the risks you face as a homeowner to determine what types of coverage you need. Ensure your home is insured for its full value, and consider whether you need to add coverage types like outbuilding coverage or flood insurance onto your policy. 

Do some research on home insurance providers in your area

Exploring your options is essential to find high-quality coverage at a competitive price. That’s why you should research insurance companies in your area that offer home insurance coverage to find the best provider for your situation. 

Request quotes on insurance policies for your property

Narrow your search to a few providers from which you want to get policy quotes. You should then request policy quotes from these insurance companies to compare options. 

Evaluate the quotes you get and choose a policy.

Evaluate the quotes you receive and decide which is best for your situation. Remember to consider not only premium costs but also the amount of coverage each policy offers, as well as the customer service and reputation of the insurance provider in question. 

Home insurance coverage gives you peace of mind. Call us at San Marcos Insurance Group to get a quote on a policy that protects the value of your property in Chandler, AZ.