Mastering the Basics of Commercial Insurance

Most business owners have their hands full when it comes to making decisions throughout the day. In fact, the fatigue that many owners feel when they’re faced with so many choices often causes them to skip over the details and consequences of those choices. But a commercial insurance policy in Chandler, AZ isn’t something to just skim over and forget about. Find out more about the basics, so you have both eyes open before you make a crucial decision for the future of your company. 

Commercial Insurance Protects 

The bills you pay to keep your company running are likely all fairly straight-forward. Your electricity bill, water bill, property taxes: they all blend together after a while. But commercial insurance is there to protect the property and people of a business. The more you do and the more people you work with, the more liability you carry. When you take out a policy that protects you from lawsuits and thunderstorms alike, you may find yourself in a much better position should anything go wrong. The support you get from a company like San Marcos Insurance Group is meant to support and safeguard a business from as many angles as possible. 

Choosing a Partner 

From natural disasters to a run-in with a burglar, San Marcos Insurance Group is here to make it easier for business owners to keep their organizations from going under. Just one major event can cause a company to go past the point of no return, and we don’t want to see that happen to you. Our staff can ask you the right questions before pointing you in the best possible direction. Give us a call if you live in Chandler, AZ, and want to learn more about which commercial insurance policy will best serve your needs.  

What Happens If You Are In An Accident With An Uninsured Motorist in Chandler, AZ?

Residents of Chandler, AZ are required to carry automotive insurance on all of the vehicles they operate on the state’s highways. The agents of San Marcos Insurance Group are able to provide you with a wide variety of policies that are written to meet your individual needs. Every person is different when it comes to the type and amount of coverage they need to feel fully protected.

Arizona is considered an at-fault state. This places the financial responsibility for the accident with the "at-fault" driver. In most cases, the at-fault driver’s insurance policy will cover any resulting damages or injuries that stem from the accident. If the driver has no insurance, they become personally responsible. While your uninsured motorist coverage will compensate you to an extent, it will not exceed the designated limits of your policy. 

If your medical bills exceed the designated limits, you will have to seek legal compensation by filing a lawsuit against the driver who is at fault. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident and discover that the other driver does not have insurance or doesn’t have sufficient coverage, retaining a personal injury lawyer is in your best interest. If you choose to hire an attorney, time is of the essence due to specific deadlines that must be met when filing these types of claims.

The agents of San Marcos Insurance Group encourage residents who live in Chandler, AZ and many of the surrounding communities to contact their office if they have any questions concerning their existing auto insurance policy or would like to receive a quote on a new one. Each agent has several years of experience and is dedicated to providing you and your neighbors the best service possible. 

The Top 3 Mistakes That Homeowners Make When Purchasing Home Insurance

Purchasing insurance for your home is no piece of cake. It can be difficult to find the right insurance agency, pick the right plan, and feel confident about the coverage that you have. In fact, many people make devastating errors when it comes to choosing a plan.

Fortunately, you can learn from these mistakes and make better choices for yourself and your family. Here are the top mistakes that many homeowners make when purchasing home insurance:

#1 Assuming flood insurance is included

Flood insurance is not a standard part of any home insurance plan. But floods can happen nearly anywhere. Make sure you’re covered by  adding a flood insurance plan to your coverage.

#2 Assuming you have one deductible at a flat rate

In some cases, a flat rate deductible is exactly what you’ll have to pay before the insurance plan you’ve purchased will kick in. But in other, more complicated situations, your deductible may become a percentage of the coverage that you have. This means that you might end up paying a lot more than you originally thought after an accident and serious damage.

#3 Not purchasing enough insurance

Finally, it’s common for people to not realize that they need quite a bit of insurance to cover all their bases as homeowners. A recent study found that more than two-thirds of homes are underinsured, and this can lead to devastating financial losses if an accident occurs.

Get in Touch With Us at San Marcos Insurance Group

We know that searching for the perfect home insurance plan in Chandler, AZ can be a challenge, and we want to help. If you are a Chandler, AZ resident, we can help you find a plan that works for you and your family and meets all of your unique needs. Call San Marcos Insurance Group at your earliest convenience to learn more about your home insurance coverage options.

Can I Insure Just My Kids on a Health Insurance Policy?

At San Marcos Insurance Group, we are often asked about health insurance policies. Many people in the Chandler, AZ area wonder if they can insure just their kids under a policy, or if they have to insure themselves as well under that same policy. Here is some information you should know if you have this question.

If you are looking to only insure your child, it has gotten hard to find child only health insurance policies since Obamacare came to pass. This is because everyone is required to carry health insurance now, so theoretically, your child should be covered under the same plan that you are. However, this is not always the case. If you are looking for a child only policy, they are still available, but fewer insurers are offering them. As such, you may need to spend more time looking for them than you used to. You may also have to show that you are enrolled in a health insurance plan in order to enroll your children in a different plan. Also keep in mind that your children may be eligible for state run insurance, so be sure to look into that if you are looking for health insurance for just your children.

If you are looking to purchase a health insurance policy in the greater Chandler, AZ area, call San Marcos Insurance Group. We are an insurance brokerage firm who can help you with a wide array of insurance policies, including health insurance. We can help you find the right insurance policy for just your kids, for yourself or for your entire family. Give us a call today to get started and get the health coverage that is needed for your household.

Commercial Property Insurance in Arizona

What would you do if your business were destroyed by a fire or storm? Having sufficient commercial property insurance could offer you security during times of crisis. The San Marcos Insurance Group in Chandler, AZ understands that you cannot keep your business going after a disaster unless you are supported with the proper business insurance.

What to Do for Your Property Insurance

Take an inventory of your business items, including equipment, material, as well as the buildings specs. When you go to your insurance agent to set up property insurance, let them know whether or not you own the property. If you are renting space, some landlords may require you to have a certain minimum amount of coverage according to your rental agreement.

What Commercial Property Insurance May Cover

Depending on the type of coverage your policy details, you may have all of the following included if you need to file a claim:

  • The building and the windows
  • Any signage that is damaged
  • Desks, chairs, and other office equipment
  • Landscaping and any fencing

Additional Coverage to Consider

Because commercial property insurance normally covers only property that is at one specific business location, you may require additional coverage such as Business Interruption Coverage or Electronic Data Processing Insurance.

Business Income Interruption is optional insurance that covers lost profits and expenses while your business is closed. If you need time to remodel because of a flood, you may be able to use your business interruption insurance to replace your lost income.

Electronic Data Processing, or EDP, is property insurance that has to do with protecting computer data related to your business. Commercial property insurance has a limited policy concerning electronic data, so adding EDP you have a better chance of being covered if your system is compromised.

If you are in the Chandler, AZ area, walk into the offices of the San Marcos Insurance Group. They have knowledgeable professionals that can help you with your commercial property insurance.

Do You Have to Be Related to The Beneficiary on Your Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is a complicated thing if you do not know what you are looking at. For those that are looking into naming a beneficiary, there are some qualifications that you should consider. For those that live in the Chandler, AZ area, the agents with San Marcos Insurance Group can help you to find the answers that you need.

When it comes down to it, anyone can be named as the beneficiary on an insurance policy. The hang up is that you must have their social security number, address, and their legal name. You must also provide these same details for yourself. There are some full stops that keep people from randomly taking out insurance policies on you without your knowledge. Any insurance policy is going to require a signature of the person whom the policy covers.

This means that if you are taking the policy out on yourself, you simply provide your own information and then sign and name the beneficiary. If you feel that the beneficiary might be challenged, you should take your documents to a notary public that can stamp and date them and prove that both parties were present when the policy was signed.

 In most cases, an insurance company does not care who is named a beneficiary. You do however need to make sure that your beneficiary knows that they have been named and that they have access to any pertinent paperwork or information that they may need to actually collect the policy. Since insurance does not require that you be related to the person you name as the beneficiary, you want to take your time selecting them. For those in the Chandler, AZ area, the agents with San Marcos Insurance Group can help you find the perfect policy.  

5 Smart Things Every New Homeowner Should Do

What is more exciting than turning that key in the lock of your first new home in the Chandler, AZ area?  Knowing no landlord has access to your home is an amazing feeling.  Sometimes first-time buyers can make mistakes that may jeopardize what they’ve worked for and these 5 suggestions can help new homeowners avoid costly mistakes.

  1. You likely handed over most of your life savings. Don’t make the mistake of overspending on new furniture and remodeling. Make sure you know what your monthly expenses will be because they can be more than you initially expect.
  2. Keep in mind that there’s no landlord to call when something breaks down, so you’ll need to be one top of home repairs. Don’t neglect small problems that can turn into much larger and costlier ones.
  3. Don’t try home repairs if you’re not qualified to make them. Hire a qualified contractor to save time and money on a repair.
  4. You may want to get some help with your taxes to make sure they are done correctly to maximize your refund, especially the first year.  Over the year, make sure to keep home improvement expense receipts so you can write them off at the end of the year.
  5. You’re required to have home insurance, so you want to make sure you have the right home policy to fully replace your property in case of a total loss.  You also need to make sure you have adequate liability coverage for accidents.

San Marcos Insurance Group

The San Marcos Insurance Group in the Chandler, AZ area wants to make sure you have the best coverage through local insurance agents. Don’t hesitate to contact one of our agents to help answer your questions and walk you through home insurance options.

Are Deductibles Worth the Extra Expense in Chandler, AZ?

In Chandler, AZ, the agents of San Marcos Insurance Group can help their clients work through the process of determining how much of a deductible they need to make their auto insurance policy affordable. Deductibles can range from $500 to $5000 in some areas. The type of insurance, the book value of the vehicle, and the estimated amount of the monthly premiums all need to be taken into consideration. When you are choosing the level of your deductible, you need to look at how much money you have on hand to make repairs if an accident does occur.

Deductibles are a specific amount of money that you decide to pay before your insurance coverage kicks in. Because it reduces the amount of money your insurance company has to pay out, each level of deductible will reduce your monthly premium by a specific percentage. Some insurance companies offer what is known as a vanishing deductible, which means the amount of the deductible is gradually reduced for each year the insured goes without having an accident or traffic citation. While these seem like a good idea, they do have their drawbacks. Before choosing a deductible amount, the insured should carefully consider how much money they are willing to pay out before making a claim.

Residents who live in communities and neighborhoods near Chandler, AZ can talk to the agents of San Marcos Insurance Group if they have questions about their auto insurance deductibles and how to keep them under control. The agents can help you determine what type of deductible will work best for your particular situation and will help you build a policy that suits your exact needs. Call the agents of San Marcos Insurance Group today and let them guide you through the deductible process.

Adding an Above Ground Pool to Your Backyard in Chandler, AZ

The summers in Chandler, AZ are hot and it’s not unusual for temperatures to hit the triple digits from June to August. But who wants to stay inside all summer and hide from the sun?  If you’ve decided to beat the summer heat by putting in an above ground pool in your backyard, you’ll want to consider how this effects your homeowner’s insurance policy.  

Having a backyard swimming pool is a wonderful way to spend the summer with family and friends in Chandler, AZ. However, this also means added responsibility for you the homeowner.  You will want to be sure you are covered in the event that something unexpected happens.  

Typically, pools are covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy.  However, you will want to take a few minutes to read over your insurance policy to make sure you are protected.  In many cases, what is called the "property component" of your policy includes your above ground pool.  To know for sure, give your insurance agent a call and discuss your plans to put in a new pool.  Ask if your policy covers things like a tree branch falling and ripping the lining.

As for liability, this is another area to consider.  If someone is injured in your pool and needs to go to the emergency room, you will want to make sure you are covered for situations like this.  You just can’t predict what could happen in your pool and you will want the available coverage to incur any medical or legal expenses.  

At San Marcos Insurance Group, we can help you understand how to be covered for anything that arises from owning and enjoying and above ground pool in your backyard.  To discuss this and homeowner’s insurance in general, call San Marcos Insurance Group today to speak to a friendly agent.  




Prevent Distracted Driving in Arizona

In 2014, police officers in Arizona made over 10,000 stops that involved distracted drivers. At least 11% of the stops resulted in vehicle crashes. Distracted driving is a major issue all over the country, but in Chandler, AZ, the San Marcos Insurance Group would like to help you navigate safely on the road by knowing how to prevent distracted driving.

Cell Phones are a Risk

Cell phones are the most common reason a person becomes distracted while they are driving. When you use your cell phone, you are taking your eyes off of the road. It may only seem like a second, but that’s all you need to pass by a stop sign or miss a pedestrian in the crosswalk. Talking on your cell phone is not the only way you can be distracted. Texting, watching a video, checking your email, or playing a game are other ways your phone can be the catalyst to an accident.

Eating and Drinking

Sometimes when you are in a hurry, it may seem quicker to have your breakfast or lunch in the car. This can be a great distraction because you are not completely focused on the road. Have your sandwich or coffee before you get in the car. Spilling a hot drink on your lap could cause you to swerve into another car or object.

Drowsy Driving is Dangerous

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every year more than 100,000 accidents are a result of drowsy drivers. When you feel fatigued, you should not get behind the wheel. Make sure that you get a good night’s sleep before you drive. If you have to drive out-of-state, bring a friend along who can drive for you while you rest.

In Chandler, AZ, the independent insurance agents at San Marcos Insurance Group have detailed information regarding auto insurance rates.