Liability auto insurance is designed to protect other drivers and property owners who may incur damage as the result of a collision or accident that you are held responsible for. Liability insurance provides both financial and medical coverage for bodily injury and property damage to others. The San Marcos Insurance Group of Chandler, AZ takes pride in educating AZ residents when it comes to the benefits of liability insurance.
Liability Insurance is Required by Law
Arizona residents who wish to legally operate a vehicle within the state of Arizona must meet the state minimum requirements for auto insurance. These requirements include liability insurance that covers bodily injury and property damage insurance as well as uninsured and underinsured insurance. However, each form of coverage has monetary minimums that must be met to legally drive within the state. Arizona drivers must carry a minimum of $25,000 for bodily injury insurance per person. Drivers must also carry $50,000 worth of bodily insurance per accident. Property damage insurance must meet the minimum coverage requirements of $15,000 per accident. Residents must additionally carry uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance in the amounts of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. Underinsured minimums include $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.
The Benefits of Liability Auto Insurance
Liability auto insurance provides coverage for accidents a driver may be found at fault for by covering the financial costs for property damage and injuries. This coverage takes care of property damage to others as well as provides medical coverage for others who may be injured by an accident where you’re at fault. Our San Marcos Insurance Group team is dedicated to making sure you understand the necessity as well as the benefits of liability insurance. Please give us a call. We’re standing by.